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 Stat Quo - Quo City (The Mixtape)

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Number of posts : 172
Age : 31
Географическое положение : Москва
Награда : Stat Quo - Quo City (The Mixtape) C018f8afa6fd
Registration date : 2008-12-20

Stat Quo - Quo City (The Mixtape) Empty
PostSubject: Stat Quo - Quo City (The Mixtape)   Stat Quo - Quo City (The Mixtape) EmptySat Jan 10, 2009 1:38 am

Stat Quo - Quo City (The Mixtape) Rbebo4

01. Intro
02. QuoCity (Produced by Sultan Beats)
03. It Ain’t Fair
04. In California (Produced by Focus)
05. Get Up Again (Produced by Maliguti)
06. J Newt Speaks
07. Liars (Produced by Trak Dealaz)
08. Intermission (Produced by Billy Drease Williams)
09. Stripper (Skit)
10. Suck Ma ~censored~ (Produced by Dub Z)
11. Deliver Me (Produced by Lyr1kz)
12. Swaggin’ On The Beat (Produced by Dub Z)
13. Other ~censored~ (Produced by Dub Z)
14. Inaugurated (Skit)
15. One
16. The Wind (Produced by Focus)
17. Outro

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Stat Quo - Quo City (The Mixtape)
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